A Loving Journey

Natural skin care products (and making skin care stuff) has been a personal love of mine for years. I remember when I had a severe bout of contact dermatitis around the nape of my neck and behind my ears in my sophomore and junior year of college. Steroid creams failed to do the trick. It was during that time that I Chamomile Infused Body Butterreally began to take a look at what I put on my skin.

In the very early stages of my skin care journey, I would utilized various skin loving oils and butters for the unique benefits that they had on my skin. Because different products have different effects, I would often use one oil and butter in the morning and another oil or butter in the afternoon. This evolved into finding ways to combine each product to get the best possible results from these ingredients with ease of use and improved effect.

Through research, trial and error, I have learned, and continue to learn, how to make healthier skin nurturing products for use. I enjoy sharing these products with others and it always makes my day when I hear and see another person celebrate the skin they are in. In that moment, I can truly see the loving essence in that individual as they are more confident and appreciative of their authentic beauty.

Visit: The Loving Essence to check out some amazing natural and homemade skin care products.

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